Get Your Cash Flowing in 2019
Does it often seem as though there is never enough cash in your growing business? If so, you’re not alone. A large percentage of businesses that fail do so even though they are generating profitable revenues. Why? Insufficient cash flow!
But take heart! In my 35+ years’ experience as a business owner and CFO, I’ve implemented proven methods that have helped companies obtain positive results both in terms of cash flow and profit.
The first step in addressing this situation is to unlock the secret of your cash flow. This fundamental information is easily calculated from your financial statements, and defines your Cash Operating Cycle (also referred to as Cash Conversion Cycle) which is the starting point from which to improve your cash flow.
To help you position yourself for both the cash flow you need and profits, I’m offering a complimentary discovery call. Take control of your cash flow now for a prosperous and successful 2019!