Unleashing the Power of Financial Intelligence

There is no comprehensive textbook for gaining Financial Intelligence – it comes from experience in all aspects of business and often, unfortunately, by trial and error. These errors can end up being costly and detrimental to your company’s financial health.

There’s immense value in having someone on your team who has both the education and experience to help get your business on a path to growth. We help you unleash the power of Financial Intelligence through our 3-phased approach. Here’s what you can expect:


We start by determining the status of your current financial position. We then compare where you are to where you want to be in terms of growth and profitability. The discovery process includes:

  • A thorough assessment of your financials
  • An in-depth look at the structure of your accounting department
  • A review of your company’s financial processes
  • The performance of a gap analysis which calculates the difference in where you are and where you want to be


Next steps involve implementation of the financial intelligence tools necessary to address what has been learned during the discovery phase. This will include:

  • Setting priorities based on identified gaps
  • Developing financial controls
  • Creating a strategy for working with your team to achieve your objectives
  • Putting a process in place to ensure financial information that is timely and accurate

Financial Traction

The end goal is gaining and maintaining financial traction. Accountability tools, processes, and practices are a major component of maintaining traction and include:

  • Oversight of the 5 Ps of Business Success – People, Product, Process, Pricing, and Planning – all with an eye towards Profitability
  • The creation and implementation of a strategic plan and initiatives
  • A monthly financial analysis

With more than 35 years’ experience in senior financial roles and as the former owner of a $20 million company, Rick Arthur is a CFO with a CEO perspective. His expertise encompasses hands-on accounting to creating big picture solutions for strategic planning, financing and growth. He works with growth-oriented companies to unleash the power of Financial Intelligence and achieve financial goal clarity, improved cash flow,  increased profitability, and greater company value. Contact Rick to set up your complimentary one-hour Discovery Call.

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Rick Arthur is a CFO whose expertise is built on Financial Intelligence and 35 years in senior financial roles. Coupled with a CEO’s perspective and the experience of building his own $20 million company, he brings a unique depth of insight into business from the top down. Wired to get to know people, Rick works hand-in-hand with business owners of intentional, growth-oriented companies, solidifying relationships as a trusted advisor and confidant to his clients. He leverages his experience to help business owners gain traction and stay laser-focused on the company’s vision, cash flow, and profitability – all while creating big picture solutions for strategic planning, growth and sustainable success.